Great Experiment Round-Up

It’s depressingly typical of my life that we would get BoingBoing-ed on a weekend when I’m visiting the in-laws…

I’ve gotten a bunch of responses to my earlier request for “Great Experiments” in other areas of science, and I thought I’d collect the links in one post (many of them show up as TrackBacks to the original post, but some don’t):

(If I’ve missed any, or other posts have been made since I last checked, let me know, and I’ll update the list…)

Thanks to all the bloggers who responded. It’s flattering to have such an off-hand request taken seriously. (Requests for things I ought to post are, of course, welcome in return…) There’s lots of interesting material in those posts, and they’ll provide plenty of reading the next time I’m looking for cat-vacuuming activities.

As for the Great Experiments in Physics post that kicked this off, I’ve collected a good number of comments, and plan to do some short(ish) posts explaining the most popular choices, once I’m back home with access to a browser that isn’t IE, and a keyboard that doesn’t suck.

5 thoughts on “Great Experiment Round-Up

  1. So it’s not just me who makes that typo [“Great”] with Greta’s name.

    God damn it, but I hate that keyboard…
    Typo fixed. My apologies.

  2. A good general rule is that if you see something about science on Slashdot, you should trust it about as far as you can throw it.

  3. I use Slashdot for two things: News aggregation and Entertainment. The /. editors and I have a congruous enough idea of what’s cool and interesting that I’m fine letting them find a portion of my news, and if what they find is useless and/or misinformed, then the comments bashing the story are almost inevitably entertaining. To me, at least.

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