It’s Friday, Have a Glass of Wine

Well, OK, you might want to wait until after work. But if you’re into wine, you might be interested in The Naked Vine, a wine-recommending blog started by a guy from a mailing list that I’m on. The origin in explained in the mission statement:

The August 2006 issue of Gourmet magazine has a sidebar – “Best Wines for Grilling.” Don’t get me wrong – I enjoy that magazine. I leaf through it every month. I’m an amateur foodie – and I love new ideas. That said, when the cheapest recommended selection on a rack of pinots to accompany your freshly flame-caressed breaded pork chop is close to $30, something’s amiss.

I love good wine. And I’m willing to splurge from time to time – but my basement doesn’t look like the wine cellar at DaVeed’s. I generally want something I can enjoy but also actually afford on an average salary. Truth be told, that’s not difficult – but guidance helps. A friend of mine whom I’ll shamelessly plagiarize, once said, “The trick isn’t finding a good $50 bottle. The trick is finding a good $10 bottle.”

His goal is to provide recommendations of wines that are both good and affordable, on a weekly-ish basis. There are a few entries’ worth up there already, so check it out if you’re in the market.

(Personally, wine is ok, but I prefer beer. Anybody wanting to recommend a good beer blog is encouraged to do so in comments…)

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