A Vain Plea for Decorum

Like everybody else, I’m horrified by the shooting rampage at Virginia Tech. It’s the sort of nightmare situation you wouldn’t wish on your worst enemy.

Of course, the bodies aren’t even cold yet, and already the blogosphere is a-flutter with people touting this as proof that the US needs to change its gun laws in one direction or another. I’m not going to link to them, but I’ve already seen three or four pieces using this to push one side or the other of the gun control debate, and I have a simple message for those people:

Stop. Please, just stop.

For the love of God, show a little tact, and shut up, at least until the families of the victims have been notified, and the community has had a chance to grieve a little. Next Monday would be a fine time to start– personally, I’d prefer “never,” but at a minimum, I’d say that while there are still families out there who don’t know whether their loved ones are alive or dead, you can sit on your hands, and spare us all your opinions.

You’re going to have the rest of your life– may it be a long and happy one– to spend telling us all how this incident absolutely and irrefutably confirms your position on gun control. There are thirty-three people in Blacksburg who are never going to get that chance. Show a little respect, and spare us your wisdom for a few days.