USVI: Love the Hat

One final vacation picture: what with all the snorkeling and boat-chartering and hiking, I was starting to worry that I might seem too cool to be a physicist. There was a chance that I might meet somebody, and not have them realize immediately what I do for a living.

At the same time, my Northern European heritage doesn’t exactly put me in a great position for dealing with intense tropical sun. After a day or two, I noticed that my scalp was strting to sunburn, through my hair. So I needed a hat of some sort.


I decided to kill two birds with one stone, and looked long and hard to find a hat that was sufficiently dorktastic to both protect me from the sun, and clearly mark me as a physicist. It wasn’t easy, but I think I managed…

(The picture shows me with my parents at a scenic overlook on the road to Maho Bay and Francis Bay. We stopped on our way back after snorkeling Francis Bay one afternoon.)