
If you really care about the winners of the 2007 Hugo Awards, you probably don’t need me to tell you this, but the winners of the 2007 Hugo Awards were announced last night. The ceremony went off pretty well, and clocked in at just over two hours, so it was much better than the Academy Awards.

As for the actual results, I’m pretty happy. The fiction prizes went to works that I’m at least OK with– I didn’t vote the McDonald novelette first, but I didn’t hate it. John Scalzi gave Dave Langford a really good run for “Best Fan Writer,” but Langford got more second and third-place votes than John did, and thus edged him out. The only real surprise (to me) was Patrick Nielsen Hayden winning Best Professional Editor, Long Form, very narrowly beating the late Jim Baen. I expected a runaway for Baen, both because he was very good at what he did, and because of the sympathy vote. Patrick’s an excellent editor, though, and congratulations to him and all the winners.

Other than that, I haven’t posted anything for a few days because, well, I’ve been at the con, and there just hasn’t been anything all that important to pass along. Some amusing things were said at panels, some silly things were done at parties, and so on. No tourism of note has taken place, and the weather continues cloudy and cool-ish.

We’re bagging the morning to go visit my old stomping grounds in the Tokyo suburbs, though, so maybe I’ll have something to say about that. Or maybe not.