The Dressed State Picture

I’ve never been one for costumes, but if you lean that way, and still don’t know what you’re going as tomorrow, Jennifer Ouellette offers some physics-themed Halloween costumes: Schrödinger’s Cat, Maxwell’s Demon, and BEC:

If you’re looking for something a bit less mainstream, how about dressing up as a Bose-Einstein condensate this Halloween? That’s what happens when a cloud of atoms in a gas get so cold — practically down to Absolute Zero — that they behave like one giant superatom. I’m not entirely sure how this would work; a bit of creativity is required. But it’d be a great idea for a costume once we’ve worked the problem. Any ideas?

Unfortunately, this one is a group costume– to go dressed as a Bose-Einstein Condensate, you really need to get five or six people together. All of you should dress identically, and move around in a tight pack, doing everything in unison. Unless, of course, one of you undergoes a spin flip, at which point you can wander around singly doing whatever you like, provided you’re walking on your hands.

Hope this helps. Good luck with the trick-or-treating…