Quick VP Debate Commentary

I made it through half an hour of last night’s VP candidate debate. When they got to the question of global warming, I realized that her answer was indistinguishable from something the Sarah Palin Interview Generator might cough up, and opted for Tombstone on the History Channel (!) instead.

“Evidently, Mr. Ringo is an educated man. Now I really hate him.”

If I’m going to have to listen to someone saying ridiculous things in a funny accent, there should at least be gunfights.

5 thoughts on “Quick VP Debate Commentary

  1. If I’m going to have to listen to someone saying ridiculous things in a funny accent, there should at least be gunfights.

    Bush the Lesser bothering Muslims. $5 billion/week to thin lieutenant oversupply. The Hollywood metric is “sex and guns” re Howard Hughes’ The Outlaw, Forbidden Planet, Frank Miller’s Sin City.

  2. As Doc might say of Palin’s nonsense:

    “Maybe debatin’s just not your game Sarah. I know! Let’s have a spelling contest!”

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