My Life Is Weird

1) If you search Amazon for my name, you get four results: the book-in-production, two books where I’m mentioned in the acknowledgments, and a fourth book where I am apparently cited as a source for the “assume a spherical cow” joke.

2) Weirdly, I have a fan site, of sorts. I have no idea who’s responsible for that.

3) The publicity copy on the inside cover of the bound galleys starts out:

In the New York Times bestselling tradition of Plato and a Platypus Walk into a Bar, author Chad Orzel uses the seemingly ordinary– a family pet– to explore and explain the complex and deeply cool world of quantum physics.

Oh, yeah: we have bound galleys:


Woo-hoo! Real book-looking book-type things!

Emmy thinks they need some seasoning– a little cheese, a little bacon, something– but she got some treats, so it’s all good.