SteelyKid Music Selection

We’re trying not to let SteelyKid watch a whole lot of tv, but we’ve taken to showing her YouTube videos of old Sesame Street and Muppet Show skits as a way to wind her down before bedtime. this, of course, has let to her demanding to watch videos any time one of us is anywhere near a computer.

One of her current favorites is this clip of Viking pigs from the Muppet Show:

I’ve been horribly earwormed with this for days, now, and since misery has bosonic character, I thought I’d share it with you all.

5 thoughts on “SteelyKid Music Selection

  1. I can somewhat understand the Swedish chef – the Viking may have been marauders, but “worst human beings in history”? They might be on that list somewhere, but certainly nowhere near the top. On the other hand, hitting people in the head with a pan is probably not the most effective way of demonstrating the peacefulness of your people.

  2. We’ve bought the first two seasons of the Muppets on DVD so when the kids want to watch TV, they can watch something without commercials and something the adults also enjoy watching. The manamana skit is still the all-time favorite.

  3. This is my favorite Muppets Show clip that I’ve thus far found on YouTube. Having this stuck in my head is the exact opposite of misery. It’s catchiness, in fact, is a good thing; it chased a totally evil song out of my head just by looking at the still.

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