Links for 2011-02-03

One thought on “Links for 2011-02-03

  1. “How to Teach Physics to Your Dog” was a fantastic read! Unfortunately, I am not as smart at Emmy so I have a question about virtual particles.

    Is it possible for a virtual particle consisting of a proton/antiproton pair to “pop” into existence close enough to the nucleus of a helium atom (two protons and two neutrons) such that the antiproton of the virtual particle annihilates one of the protons of the helium atom leaving Tritium and a virtual proton? If so, would it be possible for the virtual proton to escape capture by the tritium nucleus like the Hawkings Radiation you mention escapes a black hole? Or would the virtual proton always replace the annihilated proton in the helium nulceus changing the brief tritium atom back to helium?

    Thanks again for writing such an amazing book! I had to read several chapters twice so an answer Emmy could understand would help a lot.

    Blair Nelson

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