Thursday Patriotic Toddler Blogging

I didn’t post anything to acknowledge Memorial Day this past Monday, because Union doesn’t take the day off, so it was just another Monday around here, albeit with fewer stores and restaurants open than usual. SteelyKid was at Grandma and Grandpa’s for the weekend, though, and celebrated by going to the annual parade. Which was enough of a hit that she was still marching around on Tuesday when she came home:


Where was she marching to, you ask?/p>

Why, to the pond, to throw leaves in:


What’s that got to do with Memorial Day? Nothing. But it’s fun, so there you go.

(No Appa picture today because things have been crazy. Happily, I had these from Tuesday…)

2 thoughts on “Thursday Patriotic Toddler Blogging

  1. Sunshine! CA has moved to NE… *grumble more rain this weekend* (SK very cute also too.)

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