Thursday Future Physicist Blogging 081111

It was another “no pictures” day today, so this shot is from earlier in the week, when SteelyKid got some birthday presents from my Aunt Norma and Uncle Dan:


This shows her playing with the I Spy Preschool Game, which involves matching cards containing pictures of complicated collections of objects with other cards containing objects to be found in those pictures.

I like this because she’s sporting the “Future Physicist” shirt I bought her at DAMOP, which is kind of appropriate, really. After all, physics is all about finding and matching patterns in the universe around us.

You can see Emmy hanging out in the background of this shot. Of course, as the game does involve physics-like activity, it was inevitable that Emmy would be called in to consult:


Sadly, her only contribution was “Dude, I could totally eat that.” She’s not much on card games– too hard to play without thumbs…

One thought on “Thursday Future Physicist Blogging 081111

  1. An adorable toddler and an adorable Alsatian in a single pic? This blog is made of win. Throw in the “Future Physicist” shirt and it’s double win. That she’s going all out and braining the world? Epic. (She being SteelyKid, not the dog)

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