Uncertain Dots 24

If you like arbitrary numerical signifiers, this is the point where we can start to talk about plural dozens of Uncertain Dots hangouts. As usual, Rhett and I chat about a wide range of stuff, including the way we always say we’re going to recruit a guest to join us, and then forget to do anything about that.

The video:

Other topics include how it’s important to rip up your class notes every so often, the pros and cons of lab handouts/ lab manuals, and of course this week’s Nobel Prize in Physics for blue LED’s (shameless self-linkage).

I’m crushingly busy right now, largely because I had no idea as of 2pm yesterday what I was going to do in class at 2pm today, and need to get that sorted. And, of course, we’re running two faculty searches with a deadline of today, which brings a certain level of chaos to everything…