Physics Blogging Round-Up: Condensed Matter, Dew, Football, Cameras, and Movies

Another collection of posts over at my blog for Forbes:

Wormholes, Monopoles, And Weyl Fermions: Making Exotic Physics Inside Ordinary Matter: A sort of deep background look at what makes condensed matter cool. Drawing heavily on Jimmy Williams’s talk at the Schrodinger Sessions.

Why Does My Car Change Color In The Morning?: SteelyKid pointed out that my car appeared paler than normal in the morning, and explaining why suggested a quick optical physics post.

Football Physics: Nobody Catches The Ball At Its Highest Point: My Giants frittered away a lead against the Falcons over the weekend. Fortunately, I was able to distract myself from their loss by writing about the physics of a dumb thing announcers tend to say.

Using Playground Physics To Test My New Camera: The “continuous shooting” mode on my new DSLR says it can do up to 5 shots in a second, but is that right? I took The Pip to the playground to find out.

When It Comes To Science In Movies Attitude Is As Important As Accuracy: Movies like Interstellar and The Martian can convey an important message through the stance they take toward science, even though they’re not 100% scientifically accurate.

This was a good/bad week; good in that I’m pretty happy with most of what I wrote, bad in terms of traffic, as none of these drew all that many readers. But, you know, that’s part of the blogging game. A very frustrating part of the game…