192/366: Springing

One of the surest signs of the imminent arrival of spring is the appearance of these little purple flowers in our back yard in large bunches. I have no idea what they are, but they’re kind of photogenic, so…

Little purple flowers.
Little purple flowers.

Having spent much too long on the Internet, I can just about convince myself that this is really a photograph of gargantuan sculptures of flowers run through a tilt-shift filter. This probably indicates that I need to get out more. Fortunately, I’m off for a week at the March Meeting; whether that counts as “getting out more” in the usual sense of the phrase is a topic to debate in the comments.

4 thoughts on “192/366: Springing

  1. I dropped your purple flower pic into a Google flowers search and the closest I could find were, crocus … Sometimes even my gardening neighbors can’t agree on names for the flowers I photograph, so I end up dragging a picture into google search where I can generally find a similar flower with a name.
    I even have a couple of Apps that identify plants and animals. I forget to use it when photographing something that fascinates me.
    I enjoy your observations and reports on life as you live it. Thanks

  2. As the others have said, they’re definitely crocuses. If you had the right ones you could collect saffron (it’s the dried stamens).

  3. No, UK Jim is wrong; saffron is not the dried stamens of the saffron crocus; it’s the three-lobed stigma that used as saffron, unless you’re buying cheap crap.

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