How to Teach Physics to Your Dog: Obsessive Update

Not a whole lot new, but it’s been a few days. Also, it’s a challenge to remain ambulatory at the moment, thanks to this cursed cold, so I’m not really prepared to turn out Significant Blogging. — This morning’s vanity search (why yes, I am searching for “How to Teach Physics to Your Dog” on […]

How to Teach Physics to Your Dog: Obsessive Update

Today is the first day of classes, and to celebrate, I’ve come down with the Martian death virus that Kate and SteelyKid have had the last few weeks. Joy. This calls for a How to Teach Physics to Your Dog update, to distract myself from the cotton balls and vacuum pump oil that have apparently […]

How to Teach Physics to Your Dog: Obsessive Update and Miscellany

There isn’t all that much news for a real obsessive update, so I’ll lump in a few writing-related items of possible interest to people who read books other than mine. A real obsessive update item: BradDeLong doubts my book can help his dog. How to Teach Physics to Your Dog gets four out of five […]

How to Teach Physics to Your Dog: Obsessive Update

I should probably start date-tagging these updates about miscellaneous How to Teach Physics to Your Dog news. I don’t really mean this to become a second daily links dump, but it’s kind of looking that way… — As a general matter, it’s dangerous for authors to acknowledge the existence of Amazon customer reviews (acknowledgment leads […]

How to Teach Physics to Your Dog: Obsessive Update

Today’s miscellaneous information about How to Teach Physics to your Dog: — Following on yesterday’s discussion about Barnes & Noble, which seems to have numerous in-store copies everywhere but New England, where I am, it’s not some system-wide issue– B&N stores have a healthy number of copies, and have sold a pretty reasonable number of […]