Programming Note, Party Games

Next Thursday is Thanksgiving, and the impending holiday and associated travel has thrown our schedules all out of whack. I’m making myself crazy trying to maintain the usual posting schedule while still meeting work and family responsibilities. Thus, for at least the next week, and possibly longer, I’m not even going to try. If something […]

It’s Not Science Without Graphs

As a sign of what an enormous geek I am, here’s what I did to pass the time while Kate was getting ready for the wedding we went to yesterday: Yes, I amuse myself by making graphs. If I knew Python, I’d be an xkcd character. Anyway, that’s the monthly traffic for this blog from […]

The Year in Blogging, 2007

Because it’s not science without graphs: That’s the traffic for this blog for 2007. If you integrate the area under the curve, you get a total of 833,275 page views for the year, which is, frankly, kind of astonishing. That’s up from last year’s total of 574,676, so I guess the goal for 2008 is […]

Phyiscs Pictures Wanted

As noted a little while ago, ScienceBlogs has recently redesigned the channel pages on the front page, and they now include images supplied by the bloggers. For example, the doomsday weapon photo that currently graces the Physical Science page is a picture of my lab. Now, any idiot can take pictures of cute fuzzy animals, […]

Redecorating ScienceBlogs

ScienceBlogs has just redesigned the main site. Sort of. The change is subtle enough that you might not notice it– the only real difference on the front page is that the “channel” list has been reorganized– it’s now slightly shorter, and some old channels have been combined into new ones. There are two practical advantages […]

Blog Maintenance Update

You may notice, a couple of posts down, a post with the title “Links for 2007-10-03,” with a bunch of, well, links in it. This was auto-generated by, and is the main reason why I started using that service this week– the idea is to give me a way to collect together the sort […]

Meet Your Guest-Bloggers

As mentioned several times hereabouts, Kate and I are headed to Japan on Saturday, where we’ll be spending three weeks touring around and attending the World Science Fiction Convention in Yokohama. We will have at least some Internet access, and I may post the occasional travel update from Japan, but I’m not going to try […]

Entertain Yourselves

I’m off for a much-needed vacation, and will be Internet-less for the next week. Woo-hoo! The plan of the moment is to set up a handful of physics “news” items to appear next week (the scare quotes are because some of these items are weeks old), but otherwise there won’t be any updates. If you’re […]